The Practical Guide to Lake Management in Massachusetts
A Companion to the Final Generic Environmental Impact Report on Eutrophication and Aquatic Plant Management in Massachusetts
Prepared for the Department of Environmental Protection and Department of Conservation and Recreation
Executive Office of Environmental Affairs,Commonwealth of Massachusetts
By Kenneth J. Wagner, Ph.D., Certified Lake Manager
ENSR International, Westford, MA, 2004
This manual has been prepared as a companion guide to the Final Generic Environmental Impact Report (GEIR) on Eutrophication and Aquatic Plant Management in Massachusetts (Mattson et al. 2004). The GEIR is a larger document with more information, intended to satisfy the requirements for such a document under the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act. This companion guide was developed to provide key information in a more concise and user-friendly format for Conservation Commissions, lake groups, and interested citizens.
The focus of this guide is on key aspects of each potential lake and watershed management technique that might be considered for the control of eutrophication and aquatic plants. It is intended to provide the reader with a general overview and enough information to evaluate whether or not a given technique is appropriate to the situation. It also indicates issues for each technique that must be considered in a more thorough feasibility assessment. For those involved with managing a lake, this manual provides information essential to understanding options and narrowing the choices, but is not always a substitute for competent advice from lake management experts. For Conservation Commissions, this guide highlights the salient issues that must be addressed if a management technique is to be applied properly under the Wetlands Protection Act and associated statutes.
Pond Health & Management
Eutrophication and Aquatic Plant Management in Massachusetts
Final Generic Environmental Impact Report
Prepared by Mark D. Mattson, Paul J. Godfrey, Regina A. Barletta and Allison Aiello
Water Resources Research Center
University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA
Final Revisions by Kenneth J. Wagner, ENSR International
Prepared for the Department of Environmental Protection and The Department of Conservation and Recreation
Executive Office of Environmental Affairs Commonwealth of Massachusetts
This report presents a brief summary of the science of limnology (the study of freshwater ecosystems), describes procedures for lake management, and reviews case studies of lake management in Massachusetts. The major focus of the report involves problem identification, problem prevention and successful management of lakes. The report reviews lake management techniques for effectiveness and impacts and provides a summary and general recommendations. It should be noted that lake management is not a “one size fits all” process, and apparent conflicts between uses, goals, techniques and policies do exist and must be considered on a case by case basis.